Wednesday, 2 April 2008

An Introduction and User's Guide

I've decided to start this blog because of Seb Hunter's book Hell Bent For Leather. I bigged it up on my other blog a few weeks ago and decided to re-read it. While reading it again after a gap of a few years I decided that Hunter was taking the piss out of heavy metal, a genre of music I have, and, to a certain extent, still do, love. I know it's very easy to mock the music, the bands, the clothes etc. but it provided me with some of the most enjoyable years of my life. I hope to bring the some of the that back to life with this blog. It won't all be positive (believe me, I hate just as many metal bands as I like) but I hope to do the music more justice than Mr Hunter who has written his book with a kind of knowing wink directed at non-metalers and the sneering, chattering classes.

For starters, just look at that picture; it's the very essence of heavy metal. It's James Hetfield of Metallica, quite probably the coolest man on the planet (even though he looks as though he's just set light to a fart). It tells you everything you need to know without hearing any of the music.

To kick things off, here's my favourite metalist metal track like ever, dude: Metallica's Battery. Enjoy.


Hawkfall said...

Have you read Chuck Klosterman's "Fargo Rock City"? It's about growing up with Metal as well, but he seeks to defend the music rather than patronise it. And it's not easy to defend Cinderella. Anyway, it's not a bad book, and he makes some good points about the bands.

Looking forward to reading the blog; what Rush tour shirt is it, by the way?

Bright Ambassador said...

I'll check that out, thanks.

Rush t-shirt-wise I have a red R30, a Snakes and Arrows tie-die and a retro 'Explosion'.